Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I am a complete beginner. I cannot read the Arabic alphabet, and I do not have any knowledge of Arabic. Is there a class in your program designed for a student like me?
A: Of course! ARB 111 is intended for beginners. Please note that this course is offered only in the Fall semester. If you do not take ARB 111 in the fall, you need to wait until next fall.
Q: I learned Arabic many years ago in elementary and middle school. I forgot most of my Arabic. Which class should I take?
A: You have the option of either enrolling in ARB 111 or taking a placement test. Check with the Arabic Language Program Coordinator to arrange for this test.
Q: I am a transfer student. At my previous college, I took Arabic courses. Am I exempt from WFU’s Language Requirement in Arabic?
A: Wake Forest University requires every student to complete the study of a foreign language at least at the fourth- semester level. Upon enrollment at Wake Forest, you should forward the syllabi from all your previous Arabic courses to the Arabic Language Program Coordinator, who will assess them to place you the most appropriate Arabic course.
Q: I was born outside the Arab world, but my family speaks Arabic at home. I speak an Arabic dialect also, but I do not read or write Arabic well. For which class should I register?
A: You are strongly advised to enroll in ARB 111. Please speak to the Arabic Language Program Coordinator.
Arabic on the Web
Dictionaries and Language Tools:
Edward William Lane’s Arabic-English Lexicon:
English Arabic dictionary:
Online Media
Watch BBC Arabic online:
Watch al-Arabiya online: http://www.alarabiya.neT
Sayyiditi magazine:
Al-Quds al-‘Arabi:
Al-Jazeera net:
Al-Nahar newspaper:
Buying Books, Video, Music
Neel wa Furat:
Scholarly Resources
The Middle East Studies Association (MESA):
The American Association of Teachers of Arabic (AATA):